How far should you go to keep dangerous criminals in check? From inmates turning to cannibalism, to the modern day dungeon that practices ge...
Grave of Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
Roentgen was studying the conduction of electricity in gases at the Institute of Physics in Wuerzburg, Germany, where he worked as a profess...
Outdoor Hotel Room
Unusual open-air hotel room in beautiful Swiss mountains allows people to spend the night under the stars. Null Stern outdoor hotel with com...
1,007 dancing robots break world record in China
Last weekend at the Qingdao Beer Festival in Shandong, China, 1,007 robots bopped and shimmied their way to a new world record for the Most ...
Best Trained & Disciplined Dogs
Dog training is not always easy. The dogs in the video are very well trained and disciplined. People had been training dogs for different pu...
12 Most Extreme Cases of Tanorexia
Tanorexia (slang) A condition whose sufferers believe they are too pale and become obsessed with tanning.( Wiktionary ) Tanning dependence T...
10 More Strange Canned Foods
1 Sheep Head Canned or fresh, you couldn't pay us! (Source ) 2. Brown Bread Bread in a can? Who would have thought it? By all accounts, ...
Stormtrooper Toaster
Star Wars inspired bread toaster looks like iconic helmet of a Stormtrooper. Stormtrooper Toaster makes toasts with Galactic Empire logos. ...