Beautiful dolls with realistic faces made by Russian artist Michael Zajkov. Hand painted dolls look like miniature humans. Forget about Barb...
Goalkeeper dog sets record (Guinness World Record)
Purin is an extremely talented 9-year-old female Beagle and a double record holder who is described as cool, competitive, easy-going and pos...
ŠOKANTNO: Frizerka snimila se*si video kako bi privukla mušterije pa objavila na Fejsbuk (VIDEO 18+)
Pogledajte, recimo, ovu predivnu ženu. Smije se, đuska, dobro je raspoložena. Svjesna je činjenice da su joj grudi ogromne i da će svaki muš...
Novi hit: Baka iz Bosne objasnila kako izgleda prva bračna noć
Pitali su baku iz Banja Luke kako je nekada izgledala prva bračna noć i dobili novi internet hit.
Voltmeter Alarm Clock
Retro alarm clock made by Awkward Engineer looks like analog voltmeter. Voltmeter clock uses dual analog meters to show time. One displays h...
Passenger Trains Galore!
Take a trip throughout the western United States once again to visit a wide variety of passenger trains! You will see everything from commut...
Online Alarm Clock: ‘Kuku Klok’
Punctuality is an important aspect of life specially when it comes to professional life. Alarms are widely used by people to maintain punctu...
Desk Made of Books
Unique library desk made out of hundreds of carefully stacked recycled books. Book desk is located at the library of Delft University of Tec...
Zombie Coffee Mugs
Unique coffee mugs designed to look like realistic heads of scary Zombies. Zombie mugs handcrafted by Turkey Merck for fans of The Walking D...
Kada baka ušeta na fudbalski teren
Jednu fudbalsku utakmicu u Grčkoj prekinuo je zaista nesvakidašnji događaj. Naime, na utakmici juniora u Grčkoj jedna starica je usred utakm...