Weird and Funny Dressed People
Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest
The Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest is an annual American hot dog competitive eating competition. It is held each year on Independence D...
Moto Pogo enters the one-wheeled electric scooter marketplace
It wasn't too long ago that we were all amazed by the introduction of the Segway – How can a vehicle with just two side-by-side wheels s...
Top 10 Most Expensive Foods in the World
From hot chocolate infused with five grams of edible gold to fish eggs harvested from the rare albino beluga we countdown the 10 most expens...
Italijani napravili najdužu picu na svijetu - kilometar i po!
Italijani su ove subote srušili svjetski rekord napravivši najdužu pizzu na svijetu. Margerita koju su ispekli bila je duga 1,5 kilometar. P...
Kad muškarci isprobavaju vjenčanice...
Većini žena vjenčanje je dan iz snova, a savršena vjenčanica nešto je o čemu većina cijelog života mašta. Muškarci pak nikad neće saznati š...
Scalevo wheelchair uses retractable tracks to climb stairs
We've seen tracked wheelchairs before, that are able to take on steep or uneven terrain. For regular surfaces, however, wheels make more...
Kuću je preskočio uz pomoć - ljuljačke
Ostvario dječački san: Kuću je preskočio uz pomoć - ljuljačke Damien Walters je britanski gimnastičar, parkourovac i kaskader. No to ipak ne...
Hawkwind - Hassan I Sahba
Hawkwind are an English rock band, one of the earliest space rock groups. Their lyrics favour urban and science fiction themes. Formed in No...