Policajac koji je ženi iz Mičigena namjeravao da napiše kaznu, spasio je od smrti. U trenutku kada joj je dao znak da stane, žena se gušila....
Norwegian City’s Ingenious Bicycle Lift Makes Cycling Uphill a Breeze
The city of Trondheim in Norway is the first and only one in the world to have a lift specially designed to help cyclists travel uphill. The...
Texas Man Spends $2.2 Million Turning His Backyard into Four-Pool Waterpark
Summer in Texas may be merciless, but Hal Jones from Austin has found a great way to stay cool at all times. He spent a whopping $2.2 millio...
Bodybuilding – Before and After
Compare the pictures of people who changed their lives with regular trainings in a gym. Source
For Real: 1.6 Million-Dollar Magnetic Hover Bed Floats on Air
Not too long ago it would have sounded like futuristic science fiction,?but here it is – the world’s most expensive luxury bed that is not s...
15 Insane Laws You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
While there are certainly some bad apples running around out there, most of us generally try to be good, law abiding citizens. We typically ...
Water Balloon Maker
Innovative time-saving product designed by American inventor Josh Malone can fill and tie one hundred water balloons in less than one minute...
On je bolji i od Forest Gampa
Erni Andrus je devedesetogodišnji veteran Drugog svjetskog rata koji upravo trči kroz cijelu Ameriku. Želi da obori rekord i da postane najs...
Pas izabran za gradonačelnika
Mjesto Kormoran dobilo je novog gradonačelnika - 7-godišnjeg psa po imenu Djuk. Pas je izabran velikom većinom glasova, iako se "nije ...