"Sylvia's Mother" was a 1972 single by Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show and the group's first hit song. It was written by ...
Dođi da ti čiko nešto da
Fjodor Vladimirovič Emeljanenko je ruski borac ukrajinskog podrijetla. Borac je mješovitih borilačkih sportova, a rodio se 28. rujna 1976. u...
Great Balls of Fire
"Great Balls of Fire" is a 1957 song recorded by Jerry Lee Lewis on Sun Records and featured in the 1957 movie Jamboree. It was wr...
Od brade napravio posudu za tjesteninu
Ovaj čovjek iz San Francisca je postao hit na internetu nakon što je objavio snimak na kojem je jeo tjesteninu iz improvizovane posude koju ...
"Misteriozno jezero" pojavilo se usred pustinje u Tunisu
Lokalno stanovništvo Gafse na jugu Tunisa prijatno se iznenadilo kada su usred pustinje zatekli potpuno novu plažu. Jezero su odmah nazvali...
Panda Plays Jimi Hendrix on Shamisen HEY JOE!
Shamisen is a japanese instrument often played byMike Penny and Hanawa Chie and used in groups like HEAVENESE, God of Shamisen, Fishtank Ens...
Blues Brothers - Twist it (Shake Your Tail Feather)
"Shake a Tail Feather" has been covered by many other artists over the years, perhaps most notably by Ray Charles, who performed t...
Prvi kontakt amazonskog plemena s vanjskim svijetom
Amazonsko pleme govorne skupine 'Pano' susrelo s Ashaninkom, peruanskom domorodačkom skupinom. Nacionalna indijanska zaklada objavil...
The Tri-Colored Crater Lakes of Kelimutu, Indonesia
Kelimutu is a small, but well-known volcano in central Flores Island of Indonesia, close to the small town of Moni about 50 km to the east o...
Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women
"Honky Tonk Women" is a 1969 hit song by The Rolling Stones. Released as a single on 4 July 1969 in the United Kingdom and a week ...