Art can be found in the most unusual places.. Presented below is a collection of 100 weird, funny, amusing and unusual toilets from around t...
K'o od šale: Okrenuo cisternu tamo gdje mnogi ne bi ni auto
Tajlanđanin koji sjedi za volanom ovog kamiona tijekom vikenda je oduševio gotovo milijun ljudi na YouTubeu. S obzirom na vještine koje je p...
Zastrašujuća snaga prirode: 'Mislila sam da će me srce izdati'
'Mislila sam da će me srce izdati i vikala sam. Bila sam prestavljena', kazala je Wanda Stead. Kanađanka Wanda Stead pomislila je da...
Potpuno zrela banana proizvodi supstancu TNF.
Potpuno zrela banana proizvodi supstancu TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor) koja ima sposobnost borbe protiv stanica koje se ponašaju neuobičajeno,...
Tainted Love - Soft Cell
"Tainted Love" is a song composed by Ed Cobb, formerly of American group The Four Preps, which was originally recorded by Gloria J...
Girls dancing "Billie Jean"
Just a couple of girls having fun to “Billie Jean” of Michael Jackson out there in the camping area. Do you feel like dancing too now? Girls...
Tiny Figurines Dive Into Women’s Breasts In Naughty Necklaces
Tiny Figurines Dive Into Women’s Breasts In Naughty Necklaces By Takayuki Fukusawa Japanese designer Fukusawa Takayuki has made it his life’...
Before And After Makeup - Stunning Transformations
Stunning Before and After Makeup Photos by Vadim Andreev While some artists have mastered the Photoshop brushes to give some of their models...