Art can be found in the most unusual places.. Presented below is a collection of 100 weird, funny, amusing and unusual toilets from around t...
Frying Gun Egg Stencil
With this Gun Egg Fryer, your eggs will finish up with a bang! Spruce up plain old eggs by pouring them into this bangin' gun mold to ma...
Ostrvo koje je 'izronilo' iz mora i dalje raste
Ostrvo koje se iznenada pojavilo u novembru prošle godine južno od Tokija nastavilo je da raste, vidi se na snimcima koje su ove sedmice obj...
Kid Disappears Under Wedding Dress
One of the best disappearing acts you'll see today! Or ever! This kid knows exactly where to run and hide, and stay hidden!
Sam posadio šumu veličine Central parka
Indijcu Džadavu Pajengu trebalo je 40 godina da na svom rodnom ostrvu Maludži stvori veliku šumu, koju danas nastanjuju i životinjske vrste ...
This Is Why You Shouldn't Ride A Grocery Cart...
Youtuber Sergeyrus178 posted this video of a man demonstrating why you shouldn’t ride a grocery cart. It is amazing. It’s just a shock he’s...
Good Golly Miss Molly
"Good Golly Miss Molly" is a hit rock 'n' roll song first recorded in 1958 by the American music legend Little Richard. Th...
Spretni dječak (6) protutnjao je na rolama ispod 39 automobila
Gipki Gagan Satish ne misli na tome stati te najavljuje da će pokušati proći ispod čak stotinu vozila u nizu. Sretno mu bilo, nadamo se da ć...