Kad pomislite na oslobađanje od stresa, zatvor je vjerojatno zadnje mjesto koje vam pada na pamet. No upravo to pada na pamet građanima Južn...
Salsa-Dancing Grandma Stuns Britain's Got Talent
Paddy Jones, a 79-year-old granny, and her partner Nico Espinosa, surprise the judges of Britain’s Got Talent with their impressive salsa da...
25 Common Words That You Didn’t Realize Are Actually Brand Names
You probably didn’t realize it but many of the words you use everyday are actually trademarked. These are 25 common words that you didn’t re...
Self-Driving Car
Autonomous car designed by Google drives itself and safely takes people to their destination. Laser radar constantly scans the road and cont...
Thousands watch the cheese rolling competition in England
This is the bumpy new perspective of England's historic annual cheese-rolling contest. Thousands of people gathered on Cooper's Hill...
Dumb Cop Fines A Horse!
Apparently this cop thinks he can give a horse a parking ticket. Horses are above the law, silly!
10 Things You Didn't Know About Sea Urchins
Here are 10 things you probably didn't know about their surprisingly somewhat-complex lives of sea urchins. "Is this a predation ev...
Evo što sve može poći po zlu dok vježbate
Ne dopustite da vas video uplaši ili obeshrabri, već iz njega izvucite pouku. Vježbati svakako treba, ali sigurnost i razboritost moraju bit...
Što kaže Google kad ga pitamo - Zašto Hrvati...? Zašto Srbi...?
Googleova opcija 'Suggestions' ponekad može biti doista korisna, a ponekad nam može jednostavno poslužiti za zabavu... Koristeći Goo...
Mačka koja ustaje čim čuje rusku državnu himnu
Ne zna se kako je vlasnicima ovo pošlo za rukom... Pogledajte ovu simpatičnu mačku.
Zid magle guta brod na jezeru Mičigen
Ribar Endru Balard (24) je tokom svoje nedavne plovidbe jezerom Mičigen naišao na prelijep i nesvakidašnji prizor. On je iz svog broda snimi...