Američka tvrtka Moneyhorse games bavi se razvojem video igrica, a novi heroj im je glavom i bradom - Kim Jong Un. Igrica 'Veličanstveni ...
Djevojka vuče automobil pomoću svoje kose
Anastasia IV se jedina u Velikoj Britaniji bavi drevnom kineskom vještinom vješanja na kosi. Ova dvadesetšestogodišnjakinja, kojoj je pravo ...
Igra stoni tenis bez ruku
Egipćanin Ibrahim Hamato poslije teške nesreće ostao je bez ruku, ali ga ni to nije spriječilo da ponovo zaigra sport koji voli i tako pokaž...
Guinness World Records Workout
In today's video, we are going to do an awesome ab workout that can be done alone or after your daily training. And make sure you do thi...
Oglas za stari auto postao totalni HIT!
Cristoffer Castor iz Švedske snimio je oglas za prodaju volva koji je ubrzo postao viralan. Cristoffer Castor (28) odlučio se riješiti staro...
Je li njegov posao najgori na svijetu?
Jednom 48-godišnjem Kinezu ljudi plaćaju da bi ga izudarali. Kinez Xie Shuiping (48) odlučio je pretvoriti se u ljudsku vreću za udaranje i ...
The Beer Moth Truck Hotel Room
When it comes to the perfect weekend getaway, we can’t imagine the thought of a 1956 Commer Q4 is at the top of list – or even on the list f...
10 of the World's Most Rare and Unique Birds
Scientists have combed the globe and identified the 100 most unique and rare birds on the planet. Here are 10 of them. Scientists hailing fr...
10 Foreign Foods That You Are Probably Mispronouncing
Here are the top 10 foods that are commonly mispronounced. You say to-mah-to, I say to-may-to... as it turns out, Fred Astaire and Ginger Ro...
Lava Poured on Ice
When two extremes meet in battle, only one can win. IT'S THE BATTLE OF ALL BATTLES!!! LAVA VS ICE!!! WHO WILL WIN?
Most incredible volcano expedition ever 2012
Most incredible volcano expedition ever 2012 - the full version The Most Incredible Volcano Video ever shot ! Geoff Mackley, Bradley Ambrose...