Italy is synonymous with great pasta, beautiful architecture, and a rich history of artistic traditions. Italy is synonymous with great past...
10 Unusual Company Names Explained
Check out meanings behind 10 names of companies. Let's face it. A lot of companies have strange names. Sure, often they're recogniza...
Novi način pranja zuba
Svašta čovjeku na um padne. Zašto jednostavno, kada može komplikovano. On je sebi zabavu našao. Ovaj ima malo veći alat za pranje zuba:
Most Evil Grocery Store Prank
All grocery stores have these stupid bags that never work because you can't find the right way to open the bag. In the Gags grocery stor...
Robotski Jimi Hendrix sa 78 prstiju, bubnjar s 22 ruke i druga čuda u najluđem bendu na svijetu
Z-Machines je bez premca najneobičniji bend na svijetu, a ono što ga čini toliko posebnim jest činjenica da su svi njegovi članovi… roboti! ...
The Do’s and Don’ts of Dining Etiquette Around the World
If you’re any sort of mister manners when it comes to dining etiquette, you know the basics of American restaurant behavior. Splitting the c...
Napravio “robota loptu” koji se igra s njegovim sinom
Bezbroj roditelja danas grize savjest što zbog umora ne mogu da se igraju sa svojom djecom. Ovaj inžinjer po struci došao je na ideju da kre...
Superhero Grandma
Wonderful photo series by talented French photographer Sacha Goldberger shows the adventures of superhero grandmother. Paris based artist wo...
François Beaurain Puts a New, Animated Face on Liberia
French photographer François Beaurain is putting a new face on the capital city of Liberia. Here the citizens become the teeth on a turning ...