What is multitasking? The ability to execute more than one task at the same time.
Sudac zanijemio: Optuženi za ilegalni Xanax zove se Cocaine
Edward Cocaine iz Floride optužen je za posjedovanje Xanaxa bez recepta, a sudac john Hurlex dugo vremena nije mogao doći k sebi: ''...
Excellent truck driving and unload skills
Excellent truck driving and unload skills This driver has excellent control on his vehicle, driving plus how to use it to its limits. Amazing.
Piggyback Rider
Innovative standing child carrier with integrated handles and safety harness. Piggyback Rider allows you to safely and comfortably transport...
Creative flower pots designed by GOOD look like the faces of different people. You can insert any picture into the facepot. Make one with yo...
Najgora priznanja radnika u fast food restoranima
Kad se odlučimo udovoljiti željama za malo junk fooda, posljednje što nas zanima jest kakve se sve stvari odvijaju iza kulisa u pripremi hra...
Kako je moguće da ovakve stvari izađu u javnost?!
Vrlo jednostavno. Akteri čudnovatih radnji našli su se na čudnim mjestima, imaju još čudniji outfit, rade i izjavljuju najčudnije stvari i u...
Dajte djevojci zlatnu medalju iz plesa oko šipke
Sudeći prema broju dijeljenja ovog videa na društvenim mrežama, Trinity doista ima dobre šanse da se domogne najsjajnijeg odličja postane li...
Melting Easter Bunny Prank - Throwback Thursday
Yummy, it's easer time and it's the season to eat tons of chocolate. There's this big chocolate bunny that's ready to be eat...
10 Things You Didn't Know About IKEA
Even though many can't pronounce most of the merchandise the store sells, IKEA has become the go-to source for affordable yet stylish fu...