After hearing the same question over and over from friends and family — “Why aren’t you married yet?” — art director Suzanne Heintz got tire...
The Most Beautiful Houses in the World
Take a deep breath and enjoy in the most beautiful houses around the world. Aspen, Colorado Athens, Greece Bogota, Colombia Cornelio Procopi...
urban think tank introduces the empower shack to the slums of western cape
an immediate response to the housing crisis of south africa, the empower shack is a self-built affordable house with far reaching implicatio...
Backyard Office Shed
Platform 5 Architects have designed Shoffice (shed + office) for a house in London, England. Shoffice (shed + office) is a garden pavilion ...
Kakav gušt od vožnje: Ulovio 55 zelenih svjetala zaredom
Vožnja u velikim gradovima može biti prilično naporno iskustvo, pa tako i u New Yorku. Osim kad uspijete uloviti "zeleni val", kao...
Tako lijepa, a tako glupava: Zbog provale postala internetska zvijezda
Da je za slavu (ili nešto slavi slično) dovoljan dubok dekolte, dokazao je i slučaj 20-godišnje Gemme Worrall, mlade Britanke koja je postal...
Skoro je progutala ogromna rupa na cesti
Zbog nemilih kiša koje u ne staju u Južnoj Africi, ceste su poplavljene, a stanovništvo u velikim problemima. Jedna je žena gotovo nestala p...
Lekcija vozačima: Sprejem je pošarao krivo parkirane aute
Jedan je YouTuber odlučio očitati lekciju bahatim vozačima koji uzimaju dva mjesta na parkingu pomoću boce spreja s 'lažnom' bojom. ...
Smiješna reklama oduševila je Britance 'ispuštanjem vjetrova'
Britanska kompanija Ecotricity već je jednom oduševila internet svojom reklamom za promicanje zelene energije. Sad se protiv konkurencije bo...
'The World's Narrowest House'
Polish architect Jakub Szczesny claims to have built the world's narrowest house, just 122 centimetres across at its widest point. The K...
15 Fairytale Houses in the Realm of Reality
Take a look at the following 15 real-life homes, inspired by the magical world of the fairy tales. Let yourselves be carried away to these p...