Casinos exist at the fascinating intersection of glamorous, exciting mode of entertainment and unsentimental, cutthroat business. The shiny ...
The Luckiest People In The World
The compilation of some incredible lucky people. Some of them were so near to the death but they still alive with little or without injuries.
Awesome Powerful Train plow through snow railway tracks
Awesome Powerful Train plow through snow railway tracks.
Jedan prepečeni molim: Burger su prelili bakrom na 1085°C
Je li vas ikada zanimalo što će se dogoditi ako hamburger prelijete tekućim bakrom? Najvjerojatnije niste. No, jedan je YouTuber učinio upra...
Cut Resistant Gloves
Innovative gloves will protect your hands from accidents in the kitchen and help you handle sharp objects. Food safe gloves designed for cut...
Disaster Cafe – Hold on to Your Drinks!
Normally, people are terrified of earthquakes and they would do their best to avoid experiencing one. At Disaster Cafe in Lloret de Mar, Spa...
Crazy Cars Accidents
Here is collection of photo of crazy cars accidents. Some of them are funny accidents and some just bizarre accident. Source
Fake Swimming Pool in Japan
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan. The fake swimming pool was made by Buenos Aires artist Leandro Erlich in 2004. The installa...
Weird Japanese Commercials
Japan certainly never fails to impress with the weirdness of their commercials. The following "weird japanese ads" prove that ther...
Pas za kosilicom!
Novinarka Andrea Martinez izvještavala je za lokalnu TV stanicu KYTX o posljedicama prolaska tornada kroz američku saveznu državu Teksas. To...
Unbelievable Face Tattoos
The heavily tattooed man who ran for president of the Czech Republic In 2013, politician, artist, and composer Vladimír Franz made headlines...
Top 10 Child Celebrities Who Went Crazy
Becoming a Hollywood Star at a young age can have various different impacts on people; the pressure to become successful, skipping ones enti...