Unique library desk made out of hundreds of carefully stacked recycled books. Book desk is located at the library of Delft University of Tec...
Zombie Coffee Mugs
Unique coffee mugs designed to look like realistic heads of scary Zombies. Zombie mugs handcrafted by Turkey Merck for fans of The Walking D...
Kada baka ušeta na fudbalski teren
Jednu fudbalsku utakmicu u Grčkoj prekinuo je zaista nesvakidašnji događaj. Naime, na utakmici juniora u Grčkoj jedna starica je usred utakm...
Heated Table Bed
Wooden table combined with heated blanket functions as a comfortable bed that will keep you warm during the winter. Electric heater built in...
Motorcycle Surfing
Robbie “Maddo” Maddison’s “Pipe Dream,” giving the world a chance to witness history being made as Maddo rides his dirt bike on the powerful...
Underwater Boxing Match
In 1939 a boxing match took place at Wembley Empire Pool in the water. Can't imagine why this never caught on.
Spaghetti Monster
Lonely monster with sad face made out of spaghetti will hunt your dreams. “The Loner” sculpture created by talented French artist Theo Merci...
3D Hand Paintings
Optical illusion hand paintings by talented Italian makeup artist Luca Luce . Cool artworks look three-dimensional when viewed from the righ...