Foto komentari Zakona o radu FBiH na Fejsu
Little Richard - Good Golly Miss Molly
"Good Golly, Miss Molly" is a hit rock 'n' roll song first recorded in 1956 by the American music legend Little Richard an...
15 Pedestrians Oblivious To The World Outside Their Cell Phones
15 Pedestrians Oblivious To The World Outside Their Cell Phones
Belgijanac živi kao pećinski čovjek u Sloveniji
Belgijanac Anđelo Valkenborg je napustio život u savremenom društvu da bi se vratio u praistoriju. Valkenborg je ostavio dobro plaćen posao ...
Earth House Estate Lättenstrasse
These earth covered houses - designed by Peter Vetsch - are grouped around a small artificial lake with the entrance hidden and integrated a...
Ovako jedna Sarajka “brani” stan od lopova
‘Smrtonosni’ izum: Nećete vjerovati kako Sarajka ‘brani’ stan od lopova Stanovnike zgrade u sarajevskom naselju Alipašino Polje, u C fazi, i...
10 Scariest Places on Earth
From creepy islands full of weird and scary dolls to underground tunnels lined with the skulls and bones of millions of people! We take a lo...
Window of the World, Shenzhen
The Window of the World is a theme park located in the western part of the city of Shenzhen in the People's Republic of China. It has ab...
Clocky Alarm Clock
Unusual alarm clock that jumps 3 feet from your night stand and runs away beeping to get you up. You can only snooze once. [link YouTube: Th...
Pijani je Rus pokazao kako uz malo vatre do reš pečene guze
Morate se složiti - internet bi bio mnogo dosadnije mjesto nego što jest da Rusi ne snimaju svoje bizarne nepodopštine. Ovaj se htio ugrijat...
Incredible DIY Underwater Breathing Device
Incredible DIY Underwater Breathing Device • Tutorial YouTube: Stay Tuned on my FB Buy Nebulizers:...
Surely the most hilarious and bizarre table tennis match ever " Funny !!"
It is rare that a sports event leaves an entire crowd roaring with laughter to the point of hysteria, but this table tennis match certainly ...