Glumio frajera, dao protivniku da ga tuče, pa pao kao kruška Egipatski MMA borac El Sawi počinio je jednu od najvećih gluposti ikada viđenih...
Chess Boxing
Chess boxing or chessboxing is a hybrid fighting sport that combines the two traditional sports, chess and boxing. The competitors fight in ...
Bear gets summer started by taking dip in swimming pool
This is the moment a grizzly bear belly flopped into a Florida pool in hopes of cooling off in the summer heat. Four-year-old Bruiser is see...
Tallest cow ever - Guinness World Records pays tribute to Blosom
Source: Guinness World Records Guinness World Records today pays an emotional farewell and tribute to the adorable Blosom, who sadly passed ...
Učiteljica hip hopa odlazak u penziju proslavila nastupom koji će vas oduševiti
Širli (60) je provela karijeru kao učiteljica plesa u jednoj srednjoj školi u Kanadi, a odlazak u penziju odlučila je da proslavi nastupom.
Beba naučila da se penje prije nego je prohodala
Dvadesetomjesečna djevojčica iz Arizone Eli Farmer je naučila da se penje prije nego je prohodala. Eli je kćerka profesionalnih penjača Raše...
Nećete vjerovati koliko balona je potrebno da zaustave metak
Voditelj emisije 'Street Genius' odlučio je ispitati koliko je balona punjenih vodom potrebno da se zaustavi metak Magnuma .44. Prij...
10 Most Dangerous Roads in the World
Top 10 of the scariest, most unsafe highways, bridges and roads ever built. Car and truck accidents and deaths are a common thing on these s...
Carl Orff - O Fortuna (Carmina Burana )
"O Fortuna" is a medieval Latin Goliardic poem written early in the 13th century, part of the collection known as the Carmina Bura...
Amazing People With Real Super Powers
Human beings who are capable of doing impossible things with their mind and body.
Ice cream cone named after Adolf Hitler on sale in India
An Indian ice cream branded with portraits of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler has caused uproar in Germany, where local media has called the froz...