Here's a challenge for all those who like to think of themselves as daredevils. You might have driven on the dangerous curves of the Him...
Ruski policajac ga 'isključio iz prometa' i to kung-fu udarcem
Zbog vožnje kojom je ugrožavao ostale sudionike u prometu, ruski policajci krenuli su u potjeru za bahatim (pijanim?) vozačem, a sve je zavr...
Street guitarist plays Stairway To Heaven
An amazing street guitarist (name: Marcello Calabrese) plays an amazing song. (Piazza Navona, Rome)
Upside-down house (Trassenheide/ Germany)
The Trassenheide Upside-Down House was created by Polish architects Klaudiusz Golos and Sebastian Mikiciuk as part of the project 'The W...
Love story - Andy Williams
"(Where Do I Begin?) Love Story" is a popular song published in 1970, with music by Francis Lai and lyrics by Carl Sigman. The son...
25 Ways The World Is Ridiculously Hilarious
Did you know that Charlie Chaplin once lost a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest? Or how about that the western lowland gorilla’s scientific...
Scientists cook the perfect steak with lava
If you're ever bored of barbecuing, scientists from Syracuse University in the US have come up with the perfect alternative for your nex...
Mira Mira Accommodation
Situated on 22 acres of bush land, Mira Mira is a collection of 3 self contained, 2 bedroom fantasy retreats where guests have an opportunit...
Pac-Man slavi 35. rođendan
Mali žuti Pac-Man, jedan od najpoznatijih likova iz video igrica, na japansko je tržište izašao 22.5.1980. Njegov se rođendan slavi diljem s...
Gilbert Bécaud - Nathalie
Gilbert Bécaud (Toulon, 24. listopada, 1927. - Pariz, 18. prosinca 2001.) bio je francuski pjevač, skladatelj i glumac, poznat kao "Mon...
I Could Watch This Cat Playing Whack-A-Mole ALL DAY
This is video of a cat playing Whack-a-Mole. The game was homemade by his person who replaced the moles with little mice. Clever! There’s ev...