Provjerite i vi zašto je ovaj video pregledan preko 3.404.914 puta Često tajlandske kompanije naručuju dirljive kratke priče koje nemaju baš...
Samsung Dream Doghouse
On display at birmingham’s 2015 Crufts, the world’s largest dog show, the Samsung “dream doghouse” is a one-off design, modeled by architect...
Kansai International Airport, Osaka, Japan
Kansai International Airport Kansai is an international airport located on an artificial island in the middle of Osaka Bay, 38 km (24 mi) so...
Japanese Company Develops Onions That Won’t Make You Cry
Scientists at the Japanese company House Foods Groups have figured out a way to weaken the enzyme in an onion that makes people cry. A Japan...
Top 10: Lies You Were Taught In School
Did you know that Diamonds aren't made of coal? Did you know that there were only 12 original colonies in the United States? Do you know...
Skok motociklom sa skakaonice
Na videoservisu YouTube objavljen je snimak spektakularnog skoka motociklom sa skijaške skakonice. Na snimku se vidi kako vozač motocikla do...
Vezao sina za Chevrolet kako bi mu izvadio zub
Otac s Floride odlučio je izvaditi svom sinu zub tako što ga je vezao konopcem za svoj automobil. Cijelu proceduru je snimio i objavio na dr...
Sirtaki Flashmob (.uck the Crisis, Let's Dance!)
Sirtaki Flashmob am 14.6.2012 in Austria, 1010 Vienna / Stephansplatz .uck the Crisis, Let's Dance! Zorbas Birmingham Flash Mob Ottawa G...
Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Italy
Vernazza (Latin: Vulnetia) is a town and comune located in the province of La Spezia, Liguria, northwestern Italy. It is one of the five tow...
Tightest truck parallel parking
Watch Chinese wheelman Zhang Hua slide a CGC4222 Dayun tractor unit into a gap just 90 cm (2 ft 11.43 in) wide. Zhang, who is part of the Zh...
Japan's Super Escalator Adventure
Japan's escalators are a microcosim of Japanese society -- uniqueness and creatvity, but we also see Japan's politeness, manners and...