Pitbulovi u društvu često imaju lošu reputaciju i važe za opasne i opake pse. Međutim, to nije baš tako. Sa širenjem dezinformacija i vijest...
15 Candidates For Worst Parents Of The Year
Sometimes, after life deals you a particularly rough hand, and things just feel the worst, you wonder how things could have been better. It’...
Murphy bed transformed by Stubbs into a TARDIS police box / time machine from the Doctor Who television series. TARDIS fold-down bed makes t...
Glowing Table
Unique wooden table designed and made by Mike Warren glows in the dark. Cracks in the table were filled with photoluminescence ( glow ) powd...
Mali Nordijci: Život u minijaturi
Postoji bezbroj timelapse snimaka s Islanda i iz Norveške koji prikazuju ljepote krajolika. Iako bi neko mogao reći da je tilt-shift fotogra...
People of Walmart
The largest discount retailer in the world. The company started out as a small chain of stores in rural towns. The store chain was founded b...
Pretty Woman - Roy Orbison
"Pretty Woman" is a song, released in August 1964, which was a worldwide success for Roy Orbison. Recorded on the Monument Records...
SnowCastle of Kemi
The SnowCastle of Kemi is the biggest snow fort in the world.It is rebuilt every winter with a different architecture in Kemi, Finland.[1] I...
Turčin ostavio volan u vožnji da bi plesao po autobusu
Vozaču jednog turskog autobusa izrečena je novčana kazna i oduzeta vozačka dozvola nakon što je na internetu objavljen snimak na kome on ost...
12 Homes for People Who Never Want Visitors
Sometimes, solitude is an absolute delight. It’s okay to be social and friendly most of the time, but now and then you just want to have som...
19 People Having A Worse Day At Work Than You
If you're at work right now, you're probably pretty miserable. But at least you're not failing at the day as badly as these peop...
Provjerite da li ste talentovani za posao reportera
Iako na prvi pogled ne izgleda tako, posao novinara reportera koji se javlja uživo definitivno nije jednostavan. Maksimalna koncentracija je...