Located in Stuttgart, Germany - a German international hub for car dealers - the V8 Hotel is a paradise for car enthusiasts. The hotel featu...
Magic Restroom Cafe: First toilet-themed restaurant in America
The Magic Restroom Cafe is a California-based first toilet-themed restaurant in America. There are toilet chairs to sit, and food is served ...
Goat Horn Coffee Mug
Reusable horn shaped mug comes with stylish strap and leather holder that protects your hand and transforms into a useful coffee mug stand. ...
Chennai (Madras), India
Chennai is the capital city of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Located on the Coromandel Coast off the Bay of Bengal, it is the biggest indu...
10 Most Mysterious Civilizations
For almost as long as we've had civilization, we've lost it. There are records going back hundreds of years of explorers discovering...
Christmas Tree on Your Face
This Agency Wants You to Become a Christmas Tree by Putting Ornaments in Your Beard 'Tis the season to be hairy By Alfred Maskeroni Now ...
Optical Illusion Placemat
Optical Illusion Placemat Appears to Warp Under the Weight of Tableware When Albert Einstein proposed his theory of relativity and described...
Zaboravio da je ispred kamera: Pa kud ćeš sada majku ti j****
Banjalučki novinar Slaviša Sabljić promovirao je u četvrtak u Rogoljima nedavno objavljenu knjigu 'Bisernica' u kojoj je stavio na p...
Slon kupio smeće iza ljudi i bacao u kantu
Eto što smo dočekali, da nas divlje životinje moraju učiti redu i podsjećati nas da se nemamo pravo ponašati kao da smo jedini stanovnici na...
Ona zna kako zaraditi 100.000 dolara mjesečno
Ima 26 godina, a na bankovni račun već je pospremila pozamašnu svotu. Ona je kraljica web kamera. 26-godišnja Ofelia Marcus iz New Yorka, kr...
Biggest Cop FAIL
You would think that cops are properly trained for a bad situation - like getting your purse stolen. Not this one! This prank has some of th...
World's most shocking plane crash videos
World's most shocking plane crash videos- amazing world.PULSE TV UNCUT