With an estimated 60,000 vintage cars still in Cuba, these old classics are a tribute to the nostalgia of the old days. Believe it or not, n...
Wooden Motorcycle
Detailed replica of IZH-49 motorcycle made out of wood by talented Russian carpenter Yuri Hvtisishvili. Engine, frame, wheels, tires, and ot...
Hitachi Seaside Park, Japan
Hitachi Seaside Park is a public park in Hitachinaka, Ibaraki, Japan. Covering an area of 190 hectares, the park features blooming flowers a...
The Wisteria Flower Tunnel at Kawachi Fuji Garden
Located in the city of Kitakyushu, Japan, Kawachi Fuji Garden is home to an incredible 150 Wisteria flowering plants spanning 20 different s...
Heliotrop Rotating House
The Heliotrope is Germany’s first eco and energy-friendly rotating house. Designed by architect Rolf Disch this is the first PlusEnergy hous...
Test genijalnosti koji umije da riješi veoma mali broj ljudi - umijete li vi?
Prvo treba nacrtati devet tačaka, u tri reda po tri tačke. A poenta je spojiti tačke sa samo četiri linije u jednom potezu.
Usred vremenske prognoze na voditelja skočio pas!
Lokalne televizijske postaje svako malo imaju nekakvu dogodovštinu u studiju koja postane instant internet hit. Global News TGV postaja iz E...
Ženu iz dimnjaka ispirali sapunicom
Susjedi su čuli plač iz dimnjaka i pozvali vatrogasce, no 'provalnicu' nisu mogli samo tako izvući. Foto: Sky News Vatrogasci u Kali...