No matter their cultural background, no matter their economic situation, kids will always find imaginative ways to have fun. Their wild imag...
Oni koji nemaju prvi će dijeliti
Najnoviji video Sama Peppera završava citatom: 'Ponekad oni koji imaju manje daju više', a sve ono što mu prethodi na YouTubeu je od...
‘Leaked’ Footage from the Set of ‘Star Wars’ at the Frankfurt Airport
Star Wars Episode VII footage ‘leaked’ from the film set at the Frankfurt Airport in Germany, thanks to YouTuber ‘Frank Wunderlich‘. In fact...
Ovo je 'stroj za munje' - pravo svjetsko čudo
Na 40 kilometara udaljenosti od Moskve nalazi se jedan polunapušteni testni lokalitet, kojeg su u sovjetsko doba zvali 'stroj za munje...
10 Things You May Know About Stephen Hawking
Here are 10 interesting insights into the life and viewpoints of Stephen Hawking. Sure, Stephen Hawking is a brilliant, groundbreaking scien...
10 Uncommon Facts About The US Constitution
We're all experts on celebrating America's independence from the British, but how good are you at knowing stuff about the government...
10 Amazing Facts About Birds' Nests
Not all birds go through the trouble of building a nest, but among those that do some really extraordinary efforts are put forth. Here are 1...
Vozi se biciklom po Europi i jede samo hranu iz smeća, evo zašto...
Na ovakvo putovanje odvažio se nakon što je neko vrijeme boravio u Južnoj Americi i Aziji. Francuz Baptiste Dubanchet putuje Europom na bici...