When two extremes meet in battle, only one can win. IT'S THE BATTLE OF ALL BATTLES!!! LAVA VS ICE!!! WHO WILL WIN?
Most incredible volcano expedition ever 2012
Most incredible volcano expedition ever 2012 - the full version The Most Incredible Volcano Video ever shot ! Geoff Mackley, Bradley Ambrose...
'Oči u oči' s jednim od najvećih strahova!
Tilt je napravljen od stakla i čelične platforme. Posjetioci Chicaga, ali samo oni hrabri, od ovog tjedna imaju na raspolaganju novu atrakci...
Krave u BiH: Spavaju na madracima i slušaju muziku
Jusuf Arifagić, biznismen iz Norveške, porijeklom iz Kozarca šokirao je bosansku javnost kada je prije dvije godine otvorio farmu crvenih no...
Pijan na vrhu Sidnejske opere!
Muškarac u alkoholisanom stanju popeo se na zgradu Sidnejske opere, piše britanski Telegraf. Neki australijski mediji su izvijestili da je r...
Lava run: man runs over glowing lava flow
A "lava art craft worker" runs through a streaming lava flow on Mount Etna. Not recommended for imitation! The worker was very exp...
World's 5 Most Bizarre Beauty Treatments
Here are 5 of the most bizarre beauty treatments from around the world - from Japanese bird poop facials to a snail slime face cream.
Mislili su da je neki bezveznjaković, onda ih je sve ostavio u šoku
America Got Talent je show na kojem se može vidjeti svašta, ali ovom se ipak nijesu nadali. Neki ljudi su jednostavno rođeni s ovakvim talen...
The Manta Resort's Underwater Room Off Pemba Island, Tanzania
Imagine yourself in a bedroom encapsulated within a turquoise blue bubble, watching shoals of reef fish swimming lazily by - sometimes in th...
Luxurious Hydraulic Underground Garage Parking
Underground parking just got a new meaning! UK based firm, Cardock, has come up with this great idea for a world where people are constantly...
New York restaurant offers a silent dining experience
Do you remember how you always had to be quiet at the dinner table when you were young but never understood why? Now that you’re all grown u...
'Obukao' na sebe pola milijuna pčela
Kako na brzinu dobiti 45 kila 'žive vage' zna Kinez She Ping, koji je odlučio 'obući' kaput od 456.500 pčela. Zašto? Zato da...