From creepy islands full of weird and scary dolls to underground tunnels lined with the skulls and bones of millions of people! We take a lo...
Window of the World, Shenzhen
The Window of the World is a theme park located in the western part of the city of Shenzhen in the People's Republic of China. It has ab...
Clocky Alarm Clock
Unusual alarm clock that jumps 3 feet from your night stand and runs away beeping to get you up. You can only snooze once. [link YouTube: Th...
Pijani je Rus pokazao kako uz malo vatre do reš pečene guze
Morate se složiti - internet bi bio mnogo dosadnije mjesto nego što jest da Rusi ne snimaju svoje bizarne nepodopštine. Ovaj se htio ugrijat...
Incredible DIY Underwater Breathing Device
Incredible DIY Underwater Breathing Device • Tutorial YouTube: Stay Tuned on my FB Buy Nebulizers:...
Surely the most hilarious and bizarre table tennis match ever " Funny !!"
It is rare that a sports event leaves an entire crowd roaring with laughter to the point of hysteria, but this table tennis match certainly ...
World's largest wooden skyscraper to be built in Vienna
Vienna’s famous palaces and opera houses are set to be joined by a new tourist attraction – the tallest wooden skyscraper in the world. When...
Bacila bebu da bi uhvatila buket
Hvatanje buketa je zabavna tradicija na vjenčanjima širom svijeta, ali rjeđe se radi o ozbiljnim povredama tokom pokušaja da se uhvati buket...
10 Biggest Earthquakes in History
10 biggest earthquakes in history. This list contains ten of the strongest and most powerful earthquakes ever recorded around the world | pl...
U inat vrućini: Došao na bazen i 'sunčao' se u zimskoj opremi
Mladić iz BiH obukao je zimsku odjeću, uključujući i vunenu kapu, i takav se prošetao bazenom u sklopu sportskog i rekreacijskog centra ADA ...
10 Of The Most Expensive Things You’ll Find On Amazon
Here are 10 of the most expensive things you’ll find on Amazon. Many flock to Amazon for its large selection and competitive pricing, but no...
Audio Cassette Table
Coffee table designed by Ross Langley looks like giant audio cassette tape. Cassette table features steel legs and removable bottle / remote...
On je ljudska vodena bomba
Amerikanci Daniel Gruchy i Gavin Free snimili su video kako usporeno izgleda kada prsne ogroman vodeni balon s čovjekom - unutra. Zašto? Zat...
Voz se zakucao u luksuznu limuzinu
Na prvi pogled snimak koji je nastao prilikom udara voza u limuzinu izgleda kao scena iz nekog holivudskog filma, ali u ovoj limuzini neposr...
Welcome to Hell... In Norway
Hell is a village in the Lånke area of the municipality of Stjørdal in Nord-Trøndelag county, Norway. It is located in the western part of t...
Seagull rob the tourist camera
German tourist Martin Lozano was holidaying on the Cies Islands, which lie off the northern coast of Spain, when he placed his GoPro camera ...