"Pretty Woman" is a song, released in August 1964, which was a worldwide success for Roy Orbison. Recorded on the Monument Records...
SnowCastle of Kemi
The SnowCastle of Kemi is the biggest snow fort in the world.It is rebuilt every winter with a different architecture in Kemi, Finland.[1] I...
Turčin ostavio volan u vožnji da bi plesao po autobusu
Vozaču jednog turskog autobusa izrečena je novčana kazna i oduzeta vozačka dozvola nakon što je na internetu objavljen snimak na kome on ost...
12 Homes for People Who Never Want Visitors
Sometimes, solitude is an absolute delight. It’s okay to be social and friendly most of the time, but now and then you just want to have som...
19 People Having A Worse Day At Work Than You
If you're at work right now, you're probably pretty miserable. But at least you're not failing at the day as badly as these peop...
Provjerite da li ste talentovani za posao reportera
Iako na prvi pogled ne izgleda tako, posao novinara reportera koji se javlja uživo definitivno nije jednostavan. Maksimalna koncentracija je...
Crvene govornice postaju kafići
Crvene telefonske govornice, koje su simbol britanske kulture, već godinama rijetko ko koristi, s obzirom na razvoj mobilne telefonije, koja...
Rusija: Oklopno vozilo koriste kao taksi
Turisti koji posjećuju Rusiju mogu uživati u vožnji u neobičnom taksiju - vojnom oklopnom vozilu. Kako piše Russia Today, oklopno vozilo vi...
School's Out - Alice Cooper
"School's Out", also known as "School's Out for Summer" is a 1972 title track single released on Alice Cooper...
5 Most Unusual Online Services on the Internet
Modern technology allows us to get opportunities, which a few years ago we did not even dare to dream. On the Internet you can find a huge v...
Frizer sa Kosova umjesto makaza koristi upaljač!
Bitno je da su mušterije zadovoljne...
Nevjerovatni skokovi iz aviona
Ovaj nevjerovatni skok u kojem su padobranci pokazali izuzetne vještine u izvođenju formacija u vazduhu, izveden je u sklopu 13. godišnjice ...
10 Fascinating Facts About Cuba
Here are 10 fascinating facts about Cuba. With relations between the US and Cuba on the mend, it’s a great time to learn more about the near...
25 Most Incredible Storms Of This Century
So far, around 500 typhoons and hurricanes have already ruffled the world just during this century. People fear these natural calamities bec...
25 Tallest Dams In The World
Throughout history man has been building dams for various reasons, whether it was to prevent floods, generate electricity, or create a water...
Najspektakularnija slijetanja aviona i helikoptera
Vožnja aviona i helikoptera zahtijeva veliku koncentraciju i adekvatno znanje. Kao i sama vožnje, uzlijetanje i polijetanje su postali rutin...
12 Most Bizarre ID Cards and Passport Photos
Meet Batman Bin Suparman. Aparently this young man from Singapore was blessed in 1990 with being named after two superheroes: Batman and Sup...
Lord of the Rings Litter Box and Scratching Post
Tim Baker and his team of master prop builders can make anything. They've got the tools, the materials, and the skills necessary to crea...